- Meredith & Jason Abber
- Jan Abrams
- Betsy & Andy Ackerman
- Chris Adams
- Erica & Alan Adler
- Nicole Adlman
- Jack Agresta
- Nancie & Logan Allison
- Eric Anderberg
- David Anderson
- Kevin Anderson
- Anonymous
- Virgil Archer
- Joseph Arthur
- Charmaine & Eddie Atherton
- Dixie Baker
- Alexander Bandza
- Cynthia Banks
- Kiren Bansal
- Lindsay Barker
- Marian & Peter Barker
- Lucas Barnett
- H.B. Barnum
- Zachary Baron
- Nancy Beardall
- Shanan Becker
- Mark Bennett
- Beverly Berman
- Lisa Berzack
- Rohin Bhasin
- Adam Bierman
- David Bierman
- Rebecca Bierman
- Susie Bierman
- Beverly Biller
- Ava Bise & Kevin Flynn
- Royana Black
- Neal Bloom
- Dean Bochner
- Amar Boghani
- Vahe Boghozian
- Kristene Bondi
- Chiara Bonsignori
- Gene Booth
- Laura Borda
- Jenna Bosslet
- Michael Bouska
- Nada Boutros
- Karen Bragg & Lloyd Parrish
- Stanley Breitbard
- Colleen Brennan-Martinez
- Kristin Bresnahan
- William Bromiley
- Jesse Bronner
- Margaret Brown
- Nicholas Brown
- Sandra & Richard Brown
- Jake Buckwalter
- Anh-Tuan Bui
- Ae Cahill
- Deborah Caldwell
- Judy K. Cannoy
- Joseph M. Canon
- Patricia & Richard Carlson
- Laura Carpenter
- Katherine Carusona
- Brian Casillas
- Stephanie Cha & Matt Barbabella
- Stephanie & Travis Chapa
- James Charne
- Kristine Cheng
- Craig Chulaparn
- Liz Cohen
- Karen Comegys-Wortz
- Christopher Cook
- James Cook
- Karolyn Cook
- Irene Cordoba & John Ortega
- Karen Crawford
- Brian & Andrea Cullinan
- Rajiv Dalal
- Linda & Frank Damon
- Danielle Danson
- Elana Davey
- Denise Davis
- Lawrence DeAngelo
- Kevin Deen
- Donna & John DeFazio
- Margaret & Kim Defenderfer
- Anthony DelPiano
- Shane T. Devins
- Patrick Devitt
- Geeta Dhramappa
- Eric Diamond
- Elise Diner
- Timothy Dodd
- James Donelson
- Samuel Donohue
- Michael Driscoll
- Alan Dubovsky
- Scott Dunfrund
- Heather & Jeffrey Ebenstein
- Lauren Edelstein
- Leili Eghbal
- Barbara Eliades & Scott Dunham
- Ruth Eliel & William Cooney
- Yassie Entekhabi
- Misha Farmas & Ronald Griffith
- David Faustina
- Jeffrey Finn
- Criswell Fiordalis
- Elaine & Arnold Friedman
- Zach Friedland
- Rebecca Fung
- Michelle & Joseph Gabai
- Autumn Joy Gabio
- Andrew Gach
- Carol Galante
- Mary Clare Garber
- David Garcia
- Christina Gard
- Iris Gelfand
- Andrea N. & Errick Gibson
- Gail Q. Gibson
- Melissa Giroux
- Kathy & Thomas Godfrey
- Henry Gold
- Harriet Goldman
- Howard Goldstein & Donna Mccollum
- Kelly & Stephen Goldstein
- Barbara & Edward Gomperts
- Rebecca Greenberger
- Alicia Greene
- Lauren Greene
- Michael Greene
- Rick Gruber & Susan Claman
- Eyal Hacohen
- Ashley Hall
- Elizabeth Hall
- Diane & Sheldon Halpern
- Brett Hammon
- Stephen Harrop
- Denise Hauselt
- Stephen Hellman
- Catherine & Mark B. Helm
- Vicki & Edward Hieronymus
- Gerald Hill
- Edward Hirst
- Mary Holzmann
- Sarah Holzmann
- Maude Homberger & Joseph Tarbill
- Kathy House
- David Huor
- Shahbaz Hydari
- Gina Isaac
- James Ivker
- Larry Jackson
- Laurence Jay
- Timothy Johnson
- Jacy Jung
- Piper Kamins
- Navid Kanani
- John Kapteyn
- Jared Kassan
- Zachary Katz
- Lisa Kaufman
- Margaret & Jeff Kean
- Allie Kehlmann
- Matthew Kehlmann
- Brent Kelley
- Michael Kelly
- Jungmin Kim
- Patti & G. Allan Kingston
- Erich Klein
- Nathaniel Kniffen
- Brandon Kolk
- Alexa Kolodny
- Anjuli Kronheim Katz
- Ching Kuo
- Bert & Ann Reiss Lane
- Ellen & Charles Lane
- Charlotte & Tom Lane
- Morelle and Dr. Norman D. Levine
- Heather Law Davis
- Monique Lawshe
- Douglas Lawson
- Jacqueline Lazerus
- Clark Leadbetter
- Kathy Leiva
- Sarah Letts
- Janice & Donald Leyman
- Estela Lopez
- Evan Lowell
- Theresa Luther
- Cameron Mabrie
- John Maceri
- Florence & Mike Madani
- Joseph Magazenni
- Jennifer Mahoney
- Michael Mahoney
- Michaela Manevich
- Abbas Manjee
- Gretchen Matsumoto
- John Mauro
- Christy & Stephen McAvoy
- Angelica McCoy
- Brian McDonald
- Sean McDonnough
- Chris McLean
- Pearl McLin
- Anne McNally
- Rosemary & David McNutt
- Jonathan Mead
- Renee Meadows
- Marisol Medina
- Gary Meisel
- Benjamin Melton
- Ingrid Mendez
- Laura Michelson
- Matthew Miller
- Christine Minnehan
- Shashwat Mishra
- Malinda Monterrosa
- Chris Moore
- Elizabeth Moore
- Daniel Morefield
- Raymond Morrill
- Karen Morton
- Louie E. Murcia
- John Muller
- Rahul Nand
- Amy Hammer Nelson & Benno Nelson
- Mitchell Netburn & Kevin Sullivan
- Sojan Ng
- Sydney & Phil Nichols
- Sarah Nilsen
- Hannah Niman
- Armando Nunez II
- Megan Nylund
- Laura Schmitt Olabisi & Michael Olabisi
- Louise & Jerry Oliver
- Rosemarie & Pike Oliver
- Kristofer Ornelas
- Jon-Mark Overvold
- Morgan Paden
- Eleanor & Glenn Padnick
- Dara Papel
- Evan Papel
- Tim Park
- David Parker
- Elisa Paster
- Charuni Patibanda
- David B. Peake
- James Pecht
- Veronica Perez
- Teri Perno
- Joy & Gerry Picus
- Dr. David Pilon
- Jeff Poe
- Buppha Poolsawas & Mark Friedman
- Ginny Popper & Greg Morgan
- Sharon D. Pregerson
- Carl Press
- John Prichard
- Andrew Probasco
- Dr. John Queen
- Roseann & Edward Ramirez
- Vince Ravine
- Amitai Raziel
- Stephen Rischall
- Senator & Mrs. David Roberti (Ret.)
- Suzanne Roberts
- David Rokah
- Eric Rolfes
- Jennifer Rong
- Lauren Rose
- Joseph Rosenberg
- Marie Rumsey
- Elena Sadowsky & Geoffrey Kehlmann
- Thomas Safran
- Peter Sanborn
- Kimberly Sanchez
- Reina & Jeffrey Schaffer
- John Schatz
- Nicole Schatz
- Michael Schibel
- Edward Schloss
- Josh Schonfeld
- Shane Schouten
- Dara Schur & Miye Goishi
- Casey Schwartz
- Shelley Schwartz
- Aitan Segal
- Ann Sewill
- Anjai Shields
- Frances Shloss
- Wanda Shrewsberry
- Benjamin V. Siegel
- Justin Siegel
- Richard Simeon
- Lance Simon
- Audrey L. Simons
- Sean Simons
- Kathy Sistilli
- Arlene Slater
- Michael Sloyer
- Christopher Smith
- Joseph Smith
- Jonathan Smoller
- Helene Smookler
- Elaine & Thomas Smuczynski
- Melissa Smyt
- Bertrand Snarr
- Rachel Snyder
- Charu Soni
- Ann Southworth & John Weissenbach
- Monica Sosa
- Stephanie Stapleton
- Andrew & Sharon Spira-Cushnir
- Alicia Stavis
- Adam Sterling
- Benjamin Stern
- Guy Stocks
- Cindy & Sheldon Stone
- Nancy Stoner
- Maria Stratton & Stephen Sadowsky
- Daniel Stultz
- Joy & Kevin Sullivan
- Rodney Swan
- Mishra Swaroop
- Mark Tajima
- John Tallarida
- Azniv Tashchyan
- Kelly Taylor
- Tara Taylor
- Jeff Teare
- Christina Tellez
- David Thieke
- Linda & Tim Tish
- Lilly & Alex Topacio
- Rey & Terry Tumang
- Carrie Ungerman & Arthur Pinchev
- Douglas Upshaw
- Thomas E. Unterman
- Chelsea Ursaner
- Roberta Ursaner
- Steve VanDeBogart
- Jeannie Vaughn
- Jon Vein & Ellen Goldsmith Vein
- Ellen Wade
- Laurie & Ira J. Waldman
- Tracy Wallace
- Vera Wallach
- David Wardle
- Jason Weisbaum
- Ryan Weisert
- Diane & Max Weissberg
- Donna Werling
- Meredith Wilensky
- Allyne Winderman & Glenn Wasserman
- William Witte & Keiko Sakamoto
- Erik Woodbury
- Hanako Yashiro
- Susette Yi-Ries
- Peggy York & Judge Lance Ito (Ret.)
- Donald Zucker
- Ahmanson Foundation
- Amgen Foundation
- Anonymous
- Apatow-Mann Family Foundation, Inc.
- ARKA Family Foundation
- Bank of America Foundation
- Robert & Lillie Breitbard Foundation
- California Community Foundation
- Carmax Foundation
- Doehring Foundation
- Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
- Foster Care Counts
- The Green Foundation
- Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation
- Heffernan Foundation
- KFA Fund
- Robert and Fori Kay Family Fund
- Lawrence Foundation
- Olimpia Foundation
- Orange County Community Foundation
- Pritzker Foster Care Initiative
- Purple Dolphin Charitable Trust
- Rosenthal Family Foundation
- The Saban Charitable Support Fund
- Schwab Charitable
- Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
- Stone Family Fund
- S. Mark Taper Foundation
- United Way of Greater Los Angeles
- Weingart Foundation
- Weissenbach/Southworth Family Fund
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Witte-Sakamoto Family Foundation
- California Hotel & Lodging
- Chrysalis
- The Giving Spirit
- Hillview Mental Health Center
- Independent Living Center
- Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
- Just Give
- Riteway Car Donations
- San Fernando Community Health Center
- Southern California Health & Rehabilitation Program
- Su Casa
- University of Southern California
- Afriat Consulting
- Alpert & Alpert Iron & Metal, Inc.
- Amazon Smile
- Anonymous
- Associated Packaging, Inc.
- AYK Group Incorporated
- Beauty 21 Cosmetics, Inc.
- Bryson's Books
- California Credit Debit Card Tying Case
- Cognizant
- Corporation for Supportive Housing
- CTBC Bank
- Cutie Patootie Clothing Inc.
- Divinity LA, Inc.
- Ganpat Properties, Inc.
- Gursey | Schneider LLP
- Heffernan Insurance Brokers
- Houlihan Lokey
- Jeffrey Byrne & Associates
- Kroger
- Link Entertainment LLC
- Mutual of America
- OneWest Bank (CIT Bank)
- Perficient, Inc.
- Ralphs
- Riot Games, Inc.
- The Walt Disney Company
- Transunion
- U.S. Bank
- YourCause
Workplace Giving, Online, and Other
- American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.
- Amgen Foundation
- Bank of America United Way Campaign
- Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Capital Group Companies
- Change for the Better Campaign
- Charities Aid Foundation of America
- Good Street
- Goodsearch
- JC Penney
- Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Foundation
- Network for Good
- PayPal Giving Fund
- PwC YourCause, LLC
- Riot Games, Inc.
- Roll Law Group
- Transunion Employee Giving
- Truist
- UnitedHealth Group
- United Way California Capital Region
- United Way of Greater Los Angeles
- United Way Metro Chicago
- Warner Bros. Entertainment
- Wonderful Giving
- YourCause
Public Entities
- Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger
- Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
- Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
- Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis
- California Department of Housing and Community Development
- City of Carson
- City of Inglewood
- City of Los Angeles
- County of Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office
- Los Angeles County Community Development Commission
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Agency
- Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority
- Los Angeles Housing & Community Investment Department
Tributes/In Memoriam
In memory of Dennis Albaugh
Edward Rada
In honor of The Hans Anderson Family
Brian Schneeberger
In honor of employees at Arup in Los Angeles-funds raised through a bicycle ride
Pavel Tomek and many others who donated
In memory of Ernestine Austin
Karen Denise Wesley
In honor of Angela Castillo
Teri Renner
In honor of Travis Chapa
Brett Bassett
Alex Bratman
Alana Ju
In honor of Amy Christianto
Billy Cao
In honor of Fritz Coleman
Margery Beierschmitt for Peninsula Seniors
Glendale Unified Schools
In honor of Cognizant
Kathryn Nash
In honor of Corgan
Kelly Wright
In honor of Robert Crippin
Ross Renner
In honor of John DeFazio
Wendy Munger & Leonard Gumport
In honor of Ray De Silva
Ryan De Silva
In honor of Kevin Forshay
The Capital Group Companies
In memory of Robert & Peggy Gibson
James Gibson
In memory of Robert John Graner
Cynthia Graner
In honor of Daelan Hallet
Laddi Frisinger
In memory of her father K. Kannan
Jan Kannan
In honor of Melissa Kline
Eric Whitmore
In honor of Ann Reiss Lane
Myrna Friedman
In memory of Lynda Moore
Elizabeth Moore
In honor of Else Nelson
Amy Hammer Nelson & Benno Nelson
In memory of Ted Pelster
Jonathan Davis
In memory of Abe, Sylvia, and Lillian Portnoy
Aitan Segal
In memory of Judge Harry Pregerson
Ron Javor
Ruth Schwartz
In honor of Cynthia & Steve Renahan
John Renahan
In honor of Susan Rousier
Robert Rouzer
In honor of Maria Carmen Sandoval
Jorge Sandoval
In memory of Leroy Simon
Melissa Babey
Sally Goodfellow
Meredith Meyers
Matthew Murdock
Greg Wines
In memory of Raymond Smith
Irene Smith
In memory of Calvin Tajima
In memory of Robert W. Tajima
Mark Tajima
In memory of Robert W. Tajima
Mark Tajima
In honor of Monica Turner & Chris Kanotz
Keith Westcott
In honor of Ira Waldman
Mario & Nancy Camara
In honor of Tracy Wallace
Gary Krausz
In honor of Bobby Wunsch
Lisa Kodmur
In honor of Leilani Zee
Caroline Lehman
